Friday, April 13, 2012

The Benefits of Being Married

If you are married then you probably already know that marriage is awesome, and if you are engaged then you are probably looking forward to being in an awesome marriage. Well, Here are some concrete, research backed reasons on why marriage is a good idea. Feel free to use these reasons on you significant other who won’t commit to marry you, your friends who argue that marriage is outdated and pointless or even just to tell your spouse so you can pat each other on the back.

You are happy
             Having a spouse promises that you will always have an audience who you can share your life with. This constant audience provides support and sometimes meaning through many of life’s experiences (Karasu & Karasu, 2005).  People who are married tend to have greater happiness in their life while those who cohabitate experience higher depression and lower relationship satisfaction (Bradbury & Karney, 2010).

You aren’t stressed
            Your unmarried friends are stressed and you aren’t? Well, “being married means having someone who can provide emotional support on a regular basis, thereby decreasing depression, anxiety, and other psychological problems, and improving overall mental health” (Lehrer & Waite, 2003). This goes hand in hand with being happy. Since you have someone you can go to at the first sign of trouble you don’t have to face life alone.

You have a satisfying sex life
There is a ton of research to back sexual intimacy being more satisfying within a married couple. Research done by Joyner and Waite proved that “a higher proportion of married than cohabiting or single men and women report being extremely emotionally satisfied with sex.” Since sex is not purely physical or emotional you will also be please to know that “levels of emotional and physical satisfaction with sex are highest for married people” (Lehrer  & Waite, 2003).

You have money
            Your unmarried friends are poor and so are you? Well, that’ a bummer, as newlyweds you are most likely on the lower end of the financial food chain. But don’t despair! Couples who stay married throughout their life gather and sustain more wealth than those who are single or cohabitating (Bradbury & Karney, 2010).

You are Healthy
            Are you’re friends are always telling you about the next big trend in how to live better, longer and stronger? Congratulations, because you have already figured out one of the best ways to live a longer and healthier life: Marriage. To stay healthy all you have to do is enjoy your happy marriage, since research has found that “married adults show better health outcomes than the unmarried across a variety of acute and chronic conditions, including colds, cancer, and heart attacks” (Huges & Waite, 2009).  But it doesn’t stop here! Research has also proven a positive correlation between marriage and longevity, this means that not only will you be healthier but you will live longer as well (Waite, 2005)!

You don’t get into legal trouble
            Want to be a better citizen too? Great! Then get married! Marriage fosters a better and safer community by encouraging “individuals to internalize and abide by societal norms” (Bradbury & Karney, 2010).  Successful relationships are shown to lower drug and alcohol use as well as hanging out with a deviant peer group (Bradbury & Karney, 2010). This is because men and women (but especially men) who were previously involved in deviant behaviors are more likely to decrease their criminality and settle down if they get married. But beware, drug and alcohol abuse as well as crime are more likely to rise out of a bad marriage or if a relationship dissolves (Bradbury & Karney, 2010).

You are a great parent
            Are you thinking about children or want to have them eventually?  Being married provides a co-effort in parenting that not only decreases outside stress spilling into your relationship but also allows more time to be spent on quality interactions with your child.  As stated by Sylvia R. Karasu and T. Byram Karasu, “parents are coteachers helping a child to become a person.”  Children who do not experience emotionally available and sensitive parents are more likely to have anxiety, depression and behavioral problems (Karasu & Karasu, 2005).

Keep in mind that all these great things are only subject to whether or not you have a good marriage. The Magic Marriage Fairy isn’t going to bestow all these on you as soon as your marriage license is signed. It also doesn’t guarantee that you will always be happy or will be rich when you get older. Like I said, it is all subject to if your marriage is successful. But it’s nice to know that by choosing to get married and then making that marriage great, you naturally get a whole truckload of positive benefits. 

Bradbury, T. N., & Karney, B. R. (2010). Intimate relationships. (first ed.). New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.

Hughes, M., & Waite, L. J. (2009). Marital Biography and Health at Mid-Life. Journal Of Health & Social Behavior, 50(3), 344-358.

Karasu, S. R., & Karasu, T. B. (2005). The art of marriage maintenance. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Waite, L. (2005). Marriage, family and health. Family Matters, (70), 54-55.

Waite, L. J., & Joyner, K. (2001). Emotional Satisfaction and Physical Pleasure in Sexual Unions: Time Horizon, Sexual Behavior, and Sexual Exclusivity. Journal Of Marriage & Family, 63(1), 247.
Waite, L. J., & Lehrer, E. L. (2003). The Benefits from Marriage and Religion in the United States: A Comparative Analysis. Population & Development Review, 29(2), 255-275. 


Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a whole truck load of positive benefits! happiness, sex, money, health! thanks!

Up All Night said...

I really LOVE this post!! I'm a newlywed and this post just makes me happy to know all the postivies that are associated with marriage!


Teresa said...

I'm not married, but I hope to be one day and I loved reading about all the positive results that come from a happy marriage! Thanks for the great post Kaylee!

Annie said...

What a fun list of positive benefits of being married. It makes me even more excited for that day to come. Thanks for the upbeat post!

Up All Night said...

It was nice to see all the benefits that come along with marriage. I also like how you compared married couples to cohabiting couples, it was an eye opener. Thank you for the great and interesting information!

-Liz T

Joe said...

Its great to know what marriage is really about. This is a great post because it lists everything that you'll looking forward when it comes time to get married. Thanks for the information, I'll keep it in mind.

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